Translation of the song Kuat Dari Sebelumnya [Stronger Than Ever Before] artist Tangled: The Series (OST)


Kuat Dari Sebelumnya [Stronger Than Ever Before]

English translation

Stronger Than Before

Telah banyak kita tempuh tapi belum selesai

We have faced many things but it is not over yet

Banyak perlu dibuat

Many things that need to be done

Tugas yang bukan mudah

They are not easy tasks

Banyak yang perlu diperbaiki

Many things that need to be repaired

Pasti nanti berjaya

We will be successful soon

Pasti ada silapnya

There must be any mistakes

Tak ada yang mudah

Nothing is simple enough

Kita 'kan mampu bina semula

We are able to build it again

Tidak akan mengalah

We will never surrender

Putus asa? Tak mungkin

Give up? Impossible

Kuat dari sebelumnya

Stronger than before

Kesilapan, kelemahan jadikan kita kuat

Mistakes and weakness will make us strong

Pilih cabaran datang tapi kita berjaya

Choose the upcoming challenges but we will be successful

Walau kecewa kita rasa, pasti akan berjaya

Although we are disappointed, absolutely we will be successful

Dunia kita bentuk, pasti teguh nanti

We will shape the world, certainly, it will be strong

Walaupun menang, masih banyak yang perlu diselesaikan

Although we win, there are still many things that need to be solved

Berani dan lebih bijak

Brave and smarter

Kuat dari sebelumnya

Stronger than before

Berbatu lagi akan ditempuh

A lot of miles that need to be faced

Kita pasti berjaya

We will be successful

Rancangan seterusnya, kuat dari dulu

The next plan is to be stronger than the past

Tak berputus asa

Without giving up

Kuat dari sebelumnya

Stronger than before

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