Translation of the song Mana Sahaja (Ulangan) [Next Stop, Anywhere (Reprise)] artist Tangled: The Series (OST)


Mana Sahaja (Ulangan) [Next Stop, Anywhere (Reprise)]

English translation

To Be Anywhere (Reprise)

'Kan kita tempuhi segala-galanya

We will face everything

Kita 'kan temui apa jawapannya

We will find what is its answer

Kupastikan berani keranamu di sisi

I will make sure that I am brave because you are with me

Mari mulakan kembara kita

Come, let us start our adventure

Mana sahaja, kupergi jelajahi dan 'mu di hati

Anywhere we are, I will go to discover and you are in my heart

Mana sahaja, menghadapi cabaran, tak terpisahkan

Anywhere we are, we will face all the challenges without being separated away

Mana sahaja, segala kepayahan, tempuh bersama

Anywhere we are, we will face all difficulties together

Mana sahaja, dunia menanti terus menanti, menanti luar sana sentiasa

Anywhere we are, the world is waiting and keep waiting and waiting out there always





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