Translation of the song Vent og se [Let me make you proud] artist Tangled: The Series (OST)


Vent og se [Let me make you proud]

English translation

Wait and see

Der var det rotet du ser

There was that mess you saw

Men evnene er jo et sted i meg

But my abilities has to lie in me somewhere

Hva hvis du så at det er mer

What if you saw that there was more

Og endelig stolte litt på meg?

And finally trusted me a little?

Nå idag er sjansen blitt så stor

The opportunity is huge today

Jeg skal sette egne spor

I'll leave my own mark

Bare vent og se

Just you wait and see

Jeg skal vise deg mer i meg

I'll show you more in me

La meg gi deg en grunn til å bli stolt, jeg gjør det helt selv

Let me give you a reason to be proud, I'll do it all on my own

Når jeg kommer hjem

When I get home

Og du ser hva jeg gjør for deg

And you see what I do for you

Kanskje ser du at sønnen

Maybe you'll see that the son

Du ønsket deg var her hos deg likevel

You wanted was here with you all along

Skyggen du kaster er lang

The shadow you cast is long

Jeg vet at skuffelsen har vært stor

I know the disappointment has been great

Skjønner at jeg har vært vrang

I realize I've been difficult

Jeg gjør det godt igjen, tro meg

I'll make up for it, believe me

Du skal se, at jeg nå er blitt stor

You'll see, that I've grown now

Og jeg vil endre på det du tror

And I'll change your mind

Bare vent og se

Just you wait and see

Viser alt det som bor i meg

Showing all that lives in me

Jeg beviser at som som jeg var før er fortid for meg

I'll prove that what I was like before is history to me

Nå er jeg en helt

Now I'm a hero

Triumferende viser vei

Triumphantly paving the way

Og du ser at min styrke er rå

And you'll see that my power is brutal

Og mot farer jeg uredd vil gå

And I'll unfearingly face the dangers

For endelig ser du mitt mot

For you finally see my courage

Du blir stolt av meg nå

You'll be proud of me now

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