Translation of the song Yo te haré feliz [Let Me Make You Proud (Reprise)] (Castilian Spanish) artist Tangled: The Series (OST)
Yo te haré feliz [Let Me Make You Proud (Reprise)] (Castilian Spanish)
I will make you happy (reprise)
Tranquilo, papá
Don’t worry, dad
Llegaré al fondo de este asunto
I’ll get to the bottom of this
Te lo prometo
I promise
Yo te haré feliz
I will make you happy
Te haré libre y podrás volver
I’ll set you free so you can come back
No habrá fuerza ni obstáculo ante mí
No forces nor obstacles in my way
Que me haga parar
Will stop me
Y lo juro aquí
And this I swear
No me importa si he de sufrir
No matter if I’ll have to endure pain
Todo aquel que se atreva y se ponga ante mí
Everything that dares and stands in my way
Tendrá que pagar
Will have to pay
Tendrá que pagar
Will have to pay