Translation of the song 髪に風受けて(リプライズ)[Wind in My Hair (Reprise)] artist Tangled: The Series (OST)
髪に風受けて(リプライズ)[Wind in My Hair (Reprise)]
Wind in My Hair (Reprise)
おとぎ話は いつでも
Fairy tales always have
幸せな はずなのに
Happy ever afters, don’t they?
大切な人たちが そばにいても
Even if those so dear to me are by my side
塔の中みたい なの
Seems like I’m now in the tower
風を受けて 想いを燃やし
With the wind in my hair, I’ll let my feelings burn
止まらないの もう
There’s no stopping me anymore
すべての答え 見つけるのよ
I have to find every answer
Refreshing wind
Take me right away
私のこと 髪なびかせ
Blow through my hair