Translation of the song If we hold on together artist Yoko Nagayama


If we hold on together

English translation

If we hold on together

夕暮れが終るまで 私を抱きしめて

Hold me until the twilight ends

言葉はいつだって すれ違うから

Because words will miss each other at any time

寂しい心だけ 暖めたくて

I want to warm up my lonely heart

If We Hold On Together 幾千の涙も

If we hold on together, a thousand tears

見つめる瞳で 愛しさに 変わるのに…

In my staring eyes will become beautiful

眠れない夜更けは 吐息を散りばめて

Late at night I can't sleep, I let out a sigh

ふさいだ瞳には あなたが見える

I can see you in my closed eyes

やさしい何もかも 確かめたくて

I want to be sure of all your tenderness

If We Hold On Together 思い出を数えて

If we hold on together, counting the memories

あふれる想いは 明日へと 続くのに…

The overflowing love will continue tomorrow

夜空を舞う星が 色あせても

Even if the stars flying in the sky fade

愛する傷みは きっと熱い

The wounds of loving are hot

If We Hold On Together 幾千の涙も

If we hold on together, a thousand tears

寄りそう二人で 抱きしめたい まぶしい明日へ…

We want to embrace together to a dazzling tomorrow

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