Translation of the song さだめ雪 artist Yoko Nagayama



English translation

Snow of fate

苦労くの字に 木枝(こえだ)を曲げて

Bending a branch to make the ku of Kurō (Hardships)

雪を着て咲く 梅の花

A plum flower opens dressed of snow

命かけなきゃ 花にはなれぬ

Unless risking the life, it won't become a flower

そんな意気地が 香に匂う

That kind of pride has smell


I accept that spirit

私も雪に 咲く女

I'm a woman who blooms in the snow too

くずだ ちょろだと 叱ってくれる

They chide me saying Waste, slack

人が居たから 今日がある

Since I'm a person, I have a present

こんな私に 望みをかける

They hold hopes for me

こわい師匠の 親ごころ

A parental love of a scary master


Thank you, I'm happy

背中をおがむ 雪明り

The brightness of snow prays at your back

耐えた者ほど やさしく生きる

I live so tender that I'm tolerant

しだれ紅梅 見て思う

I think looking at the red weeping plum tree

春に先がけ 咲く一輪の

A flower that blooms first on spring

花の姿に 励まされ

Encouraged by the shape of the flower

たおやかに 凛々と

Graciously and intensely

さだめの雪を 踏みしめる

I stand firm on the snow of fate

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