Translation of the song 博多山笠女節 artist Yoko Nagayama



English translation

The woman's melody of the Hakata Yamakasa

夜明け前 博多の男が

Before the dawn, the men of Hakata

山笠舁(か)いてオィサッオィサッ 風になる

Carry the Yamakasa, oisa, oisa, and they become wind

私ゃあんたの 赤手拭(あかてのごい)に

Once a year I fall in love again

一年一度 惚れ直す

With your red towel

ときめくざわめく 祭りの女節

Throbs and mutters the woman's melody in the festival

水法被(みずはっぴ) 舁(か)き縄(なわ)締め込み

Wearing a water vest and a belt

男が謳(うた)うオイサッ オイサッ 晴れ姿

Men sing, oisa, oisa, with their best clothes

山笠(やま)が恋人 命をかける

The Yamakasa is a lover who risks its life

妬(や)くほどあんた 山笠(やま)のぼせ

You become so obsessed with it that you burn

ドキドキハラハラ ワクワク女節

Throbs, trembles and gets nervous the woman's melody

祝い目出度の 若松さまよ

Happy and joyful is God Wakamatsu


God Wakamatsu

勢(きお)い水 一番山笠

They throw water to the ones of the first Yamakasa

太鼓の音でオィサッオィサッ 走り出す

To the sound of the drums, oisa, oisa, they start to run

廻り止(どめ)まで 気合いを抜くな

Don't lose motivation till you reach the end

男の力 魅(み)せとくれ

The strength of a man charms me

凛々(りり)しいあんたに 捧げる女節

To you brave men, I offer my woman's melody

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