Translation of the song さらば友よ artist Shin'ichi Mori
Goodbye friend
このつぎの汽車に乗り 遠くへ行くと
On the next train I'll go far away
あの人の肩を抱き あいつはいった
She said while I was holding her shoulders
お前にはこの恋を わかってほしいと
I want you to understand my love
くり返しそういって あいつは泣いた
She repeated crying
さらば友よ もう何もいわない
Goodbye friend, I won't say anything
ここで ここで 見送ろう
Here I will see off
Your retreating figure
打ち明けてくれたのが せめての救い
That you opened your heart was a relief at least
裏切りといえるけど 許してもいい
I can say you betrayed me but I forgive you
なにかしらいいたげな あの人の瞳に
For some reason there's something good in your eyes
キラキラと光ってる 涙を見た
I saw your tears shining
さらば友よ もうあうこともない
Goodbye friend, we won't meet again
胸で 胸で 音たてて
In my chest, making a sound
Something disappeared
ベルの音ききながら しみじみ思う
While I hear the bell, I think deeply
ふたりともそれなりに 悩んだだろう
That I was worried that we were just friends
しあわせを祈るよと いいたいけれど
I wanted to say that I wish you well
なぜかしら素直には いえなかったよ
But for some reason I couldn't say it honestly
さらば友よ もうふり向くじゃない
Goodbye friend, I won't turn around
俺の 俺の この涙
My tears
I don't want you to know them