Translation of the song 襟裳岬 artist Shin'ichi Mori
Cape Erimo
北の街ではもう 悲しみを暖炉で
In the northern town, they seem to have begun
Burning their sorrow in the stove.
理由のわからないことで 悩んでいるうち
While we’re worrying about those things without solutions,
We will get old and grow weak.
だまり通した 歳月を ひろい集めて 暖めあおう
Let us get together to bring and warm up those past months when we kept silent.
えりもの春は 何もない春です
Erimo’s spring offers us nothing else we can enjoy.
君は二杯めだよね コーヒーカップに
That’s your second cup of coffee. You usually put in your cup
A piece of sugar cube, don’t you?
すててきてしまった わずらわしさだけを くるくるかきまわして
Stirring the sugar cube in the cup, we recall over and over our troubles we had in the past.
通りすぎた 夏のにおい 思い出して なつかしいね
We will fondly remember the summer when we got together and enjoyed ourselves.
えりもの春は 何もない春です
Erimo’s spring offers us nothing else we can enjoy.
日々のくらしはいやでも やってくるげど
Though we may hate something in our daily lives,
Let’s be brave and keep laughing.
いじけることだけが 生きることだと かいならしすぎたので
We have long thought being stubborn is the only way to live, and we are so used to such belief.
身構えながら 話すなんて アーおくびょうなんだよね
What coward creatures we are to take such a defensive posture when we talk!
えりもの春は 何もない春です
Erimo’s spring offers us nothing else we can enjoy.
寒いともだちが 尋ねてきたよ
I’m happy to receive you. You need to warm yourself.
えんりょはいらないから 暖まってゆきなよ
Please feel free to stay here Until you become warm enough.