Translation of the song せんせい artist Masako Mori
My Teacher
淡い初恋 消えた日は
On the day when my light first love faded
雨がしとしと 降っていた
The rain was softly falling
傘にかくれて 桟橋で
Hidden under an umbrella on the pier
ひとり見つめて 泣いていた
I gazed alone and sobbed
おさない私が 胸こがし
My childish heart burning
慕いつづけた ひとの名は
The person I continued to adore was
せんせい せんせい それはせんせい
My teacher, my teacher, was my teacher
声を限りに 叫んでも
I cried at the top of my lungs
遠くはなれる 連絡船
At the ferry leaving me
白い灯台 絵のように
The white lighthouse, like in a picture
雨にうたれて 浮んでた
Floated under the pounding rain
誰にも言えない 悲しみに
I can't tell anyone that, with sadness
胸をいためた ひとの名は
The person whom my heart hurt for was
せんせい せんせい それはせんせい
My teacher, my teacher, was my teacher
恋する心の しあわせを
The happiness of being in love
そっと教えた ひとの名は
Was gently taught to me by
せんせい せんせい それはせんせい
My teacher, my teacher, by my teacher