Translation of the song 孤愁人 artist Masako Mori
Lonely Contemplation (Koshūbito 孤愁人)
祭りが過ぎたら 町に
When the festival passes
残るものは 淋しさよ
all that is left in the town is sadness.
花火が消えたら 空に
When the fireworks end
残るものは 淋しさよ
all that is left in the sky is sadness.
愛は風さ 激しく吹いて
Love is a wind that blows violently
but fades away to a distant place.
だから 人のこころは孤独
So people's hearts are lonely
with tearful grief.
花は咲いて 小鳥は啼いて
The flowers that are blooming,
その命 終るのさ
the little birds peeping,
みんな独り 私も独り
even that life will end.
これが生きる さだめ
Everyone is alone
ときめきうすれた 胸に
When the heartbeat fades
残るものは 切なさよ
all that is left in the chest is heartache.
信じて 別れた 恋に
When a love you believed in leaves,
残るものは 切なさよ
all that is left in love is heartache.
愛は星よ ひと夜を誓い
Love is like a star,
a promise of the night
だから いつもこの世は無情
which perishes with the dawn.
寄り添う 人もない
In this perpetually cruel world
夢は醒めて 願いは途切れ
there is no one who keeps a promise.
肩に降る 枯れ落葉
When you wake from a dream,
みんな独り 私も独り
the wish is interrupted
これが生きる さだめ
like withered leaves that fall on shoulders.
愛は風さ 傷跡残し
Love is like a wind,
何処かへ 去ったよ
the remains of a scar,
だから 胸に悲しみまとう
that blows away.
The heart is sheathed in sadness.
花は咲いて 小鳥は啼いて
I am grieving.
その命 終るのさ
The flowers that are blooming,
みんな独り 私も独り
the little birds peeping,
これが生きる さだめ
even that life will end.