Translation of the song 故郷ごころ artist Masako Mori
My Home Town
私に故郷が ふたつ出来ました
I've made two home towns for myself,
生まれた町と あなたです
The town I was born in, and you.
好きだから 好きだから
Because I love you, because I love you.
今すぐ逢いたい 帰りたい
I want to meet now, I want to go back.
募るこの想い 女のまごころを
My affection growing stronger, the devotion of a woman, 1
届けて欲しいの あなたに あなたに
I wish it would reach, you, you.
誰でも故郷を 愛してるように
Like anyone who loves their home town,
あなたをいつも 想います
I always think about you. 2
好きなのに 好きなのに
Despite the love, despite the love,
どうして離れて しまったの
Why did we have to separate?
泣いちゃいけないわ こらえるこの気持
I have nothing to do but to cry, bearing this feeling
わかって欲しいの あなたに あなたに
I wish you would, understand, understand.
あなたはいつの日も 故郷のように
Every day you, like my home town,
私の胸で 生きてます
Keep on living in my heart.
好きなのよ 好きなのよ
I love you, I love you!
このまま二人で 暮らしたい
I wish we would live together like this!
愛の深さなら 誰にも負けないわ
Only the strength of love, can't lose to anyone!
伝えて欲しいの あなたに あなたに
I wish I would say that, to you, to you.