Translation of the song 長良川艶歌 artist Masako Mori
Love Song of the Nagara River
水にきらめく かがり火は
The bonfire reflecting on the water
誰に想いを 燃やすやら
For whom does it burn like a fire of love?
あなた あなたやさしい 旅の人
My dear, you are a gentle traveler
逢うたひと夜の 情けを乗せて
Laden with the love of the night
こころまかせの 鵜飼い舟
The cormorant fishing boat glides along
好きと言われた 嬉しさに
When you said you loved me
酔うて私は 燃えたのよ
I was entranced with joy
あなた あなたすがって みたい人
My dear, I want to lean on you
肌を寄せても 明日は別れ
We hold tight together but will part tomorrow
窓に夜明けの 風が泣く
At daybreak the wind howls against the window
添えぬさだめと 知りながら
We all know our love is doomed
いまは他人じゃ ない二人
Still we are no longer strangers
あなた あなた私を 泣かす人
My dear, how you make me cry
枕淋しや 鵜飼いの宿は
I'm lonely in the bed of the cormorant fishing inn
朝が白々 長良川
In the dim white daybreak on the Nagara river