Translation of the song 残したい花について artist Hiromi Iwasaki
Concerning the flowers I want to keep
何を残そうかな 今日生きた記念に
What will I keep in the memories that I lived today?
下手だけど精一杯 頑張ったんだから
Because I did the best I could though it wasn't enough
悔しかったことや 傷ついたことや
Things that were annoying, things that hurt me
そんなものは残さない 忘れることにしよう
I can't keep them, I want to forget them
明日は明日の 私が生まれ
Tomorrow will be born, the me of tomorrow
今日とは違う 私を生きる
A different me from today will live
良いことだけ残そう 嫌なことは置いていこう
I want only the good things to remain, and leave behind what I hate
下手だけど精一杯 生きているんだから
Because I lived the best I could though it wasn't enough
明日の記憶が あれば良いのにね
I could have memories of tomorrow
準備なんかもゆっくり 出来るんだけどね
Though I could be prepared easily
でも明日の記憶は ない方が良いね
But it's better not to have memories of tomorrow
がっかりすることは 知らないほうが良い
Is better not to know disappointment
明日は明日の 私が待ってる
Tomorrow will wait, the me of tomorrow
今日とは違う 私が待ってる
A different me from today will wait
明日の希望は ときめきだけでいい
The hopes of tomorrow only needs to throb
大好きなあなたの 笑顔があれば良い
I can have your smile that I like
何を歌おうかな 人生の記念に
What will I sing to the memories of my life?
下手だけど精一杯 頑張ったんだから
Because I did the best I could though it wasn't enough
楽しい歌や 切ない歌を
Happy songs, painful songs
舞台中に広げて 抱きしめたいから
Because I want to embrace you on the stage
明日は明日の 私が笑い
Tomorrow will laugh, the me of tomorrow
今日とは違う 私が歌う
A different me from today will sing
何を歌おうかな 今日生きた記念に
What will I sing to the memories that I lived today?
あなたの笑顔を 忘れないように
To not forget your smile
何を歌おうかな 人生の記念に
What will I sing to the memories of my life?
大切なあなたを 忘れないように
To not forget your smile