Vratiću se u onu kafanu
I'll return to that bar
pa neka mi zadnje pare tamo ostanu
Let my last penny stay there
tu sam naš'o ludom srcu žicu
There I found my crazy heart a string/cord
tu Bog stvori kafansku pevačicu
There, God created a bar songstress
Da mi peva, da mi meša noćima u krug
Let her sing to me, let her dance at night for me in circles
da je muško, bila bi mi k'o najbolji drug
If she were male she'd be like a best friend
urezaću njeno ime, daću zlatan sat
I'll carve her name, give her a golden watch
da je muško, bila bi mi k'o rođeni brat
If she were male she'd be like my own brother
Vratiću se tamo gde mi milo
I'll return there where it's delightful
pa makar me njeno oko ubilo
Even if her eye kills me
pa da smirim ovu noćnu pticu
So that I can calm this night bird
što pogleda kafansku pevačicu
That watches the bar songstress
Divna, divna usta ona ima
Beautiful, beautiful lips she has
eh, kad bi me poljubila sa njima
Hey, if she'd only kiss me with them
pa da slavim život k'o vrbicu
So that I can celebrate each day like Vrbica*
i oženim kafansku pevačicu
And marry the bar songstress