Ako dođeš mi ti, ako svratiš
If you come to me, if you drop in
neka bude kao slučajno
Make it look like an accident
i nek' bude dan
And do it in a daytime
za bivše ljubavnike
For ex lovers
noć je teren opasan
Night is a dangerous terrain
Na vratima još
While still at the door
novim dečkom se pohvali
Brag about your new boyfriend
kaži da srećna si k'o nikada
Tell me you've never been so happy
kao prijatelj loš, mojoj sujeti podvali
Like a bad friend, hurt my vanity
daj mi do znanja da se ne nadam
Let me know I shouldn't have hope
Srce mi lomi, dušu razboli
Break my heart, make my soul sick
to možeš samo ti
Only you can do that
to me ništa ne boli
That doesn't hurt me at all
samo te molim, nemoj me žaliti
Just please don't pity me
Nisam ti prijatelj, ni brat
I am neither your friend nor your brother
da svoje mi tajne pričaš ti
So that you should tell me your secrets
al' mogu ti kad god zatreba
But whenever you need it
ponovo biti ljubavnik
I can be your lover again