Udala se moja crna draga
My poor dear got married
Otišla mi kao mladost s praga
She left me like youth from the doorstep
Daleko, u pravcu proleća
Far away, in the direction of the spring
Jutros mu je i sina dala
This morning she gave him a son
Imenom ga mojim nazvala
And she calls him by my name
A kaže da me se ne seća
But says that she doesn't remember me
Ja sam bio poslednji
I was the last one
Što ti je krišom u sobu svratio
That secretly entered your room
One noći kad sam te
That night when I followed you
Na -10 za Beograd pratio
At -10 to Belgrade
Ja sam bio poslednji
I was the last man
Kome si tada srušila muški san
Whose dream you then broke
Mogu valjda prvi bar
I guess I'm at least the first
Da ti se javim i sina čestitam
To call you and congratulate you for the son
Da joj pišem nikad nije dala
I never write to her, she didn't give
Pokloni su ostali bez “hvala”
Presents, they remained without thank you
Da dođem, nikad me nije pozvala
I come close, she never invited me
Ja sam bio poslednji
I was the last one
Što ti je krišom u sobu svratio
That secretly entered your room
One noći kad sam te
That night when I followed you
Na -10 za Beograd pratio
At -10 to Belgrade
Ja sam bio poslednji
I was the last man
Kome si tada srušila muški san
Whose dream you then broke
Mogu valjda prvi bar
I guess I'm at least the first
Da ti se javim i sina čestitam (x2)
To call you and congratulate you for the son (bis)