Translation of the song 未完成 artist Hiromi Go
年上の女は シルクの手ざわり
An older woman feels like silk
うなじに触れれば 絹ずれの声さ
When I touch her nape, has a silk voice
うぬぼればかりで 過ごした月日を
Time passed only with pretensions
ワインに花びら 浮かべて捨てるよ
Petals float in the wine and are thrown away
甘い甘い話しさ 夜にころがっているよ
Too good to be true stories fall over the night
The reward of selling the youth
I knew by meeting you
unfinished true my love
Unfinished true my love
春の足音 聞きながら
While I hear the spring footsteps
ぼくの心は 凍河を行くよ
My heart goes through an ice river
The gathered time has no discretion
シンデレラボーイ うかれた気分さ
It feels it made a young boy happy
白夜に沈まない 太陽のように
Like the sun that doesn't set on a white night
ワインも濁ると 気づかずにいたよ
I didn't realize that the wine spoils
にがい にがい涙さ 熱くこみあげてくる
Bitter tears fill up my heart passionately
愛を遊んだ あがないに
As a redemption of playing with your love
How can I apologize?
unfinished true my love
unfinished true my love
朝の訪れ まばゆくて
The morning arrival is dazzling
ぼくの瞳は 氷壁を見る
My eyes see an ice wall
甘い甘い話しさ 夜にころがっているよ
Too good to be true stories fall over the night
The reward of selling the youth
I knew by meeting you
unfinished true my love
Unfinished true my love
春の足音 聞きながら
While I hear the spring footsteps
ぼくの心は 凍河を行くよ
My heart goes through an ice river