Translation of the song 威廉古堡 (Wēilián gǔ bǎo) [William Castle] artist Jay Chou
威廉古堡 (Wēilián gǔ bǎo) [William Castle]
William's Castle
藤蔓植物 爬滿了伯爵的墳墓
The climbing plants overgrow the tomb of the earl's
古堡裡一片荒蕪 長滿雜草的泥土
It lies waste in the castle. Weeds spring up on barren soil
The fat witch, who can't ride besom well,
chants the spells in Latin likela la wu
她養的黑貓笑起來像哭 啦啦啦嗚
Her black cat sounds like crying when laughing La la la wu
She divines with the crystal ball
She says the angle the sun shines in the church at three p.m.
can tell you either you were werewolf or bat last life
William Junior, owner of the castle, wears big whiskers
習慣 在吸完血後開始打呼
He's used to snoring after sucking the blood
The steward is a well-mannered swine which can speak French smoothly
He says St.John's gospel as offset before he sucks
Princess Catherine, who has a pair of azure blue eyes
專吃 有AB血型的公老鼠
merely eats the male rats whose blood type is AB
恍恍惚惚 是誰的腳步
Indistinctly whose footsteps are those?
銀製茶壺 裝蟑螂蜘蛛
Cockroaches,spiders fill the silverware
辛辛苦苦 全家怕日出
They take pains to keep off the sunrise
白色蠟燭 溫暖了空屋
White candles warm the hollow castle
藤蔓植物 爬滿了伯爵的墳墓
The climbing plants overgrow the tomb of the earl's
古堡裡一片荒蕪 長滿雜草的泥土
It lies waste in the castle. Weeds spring up on barren soil
The fat witch, who can't ride besom well,
chants the spells in Latin likela la wu
她養的黑貓笑起來像哭 啦啦啦嗚
Her black cat sounds like crying when laughing La la la wu
She divines with the crystal ball
She says the angle the sun shines in the church at three p.m.
can tell you either you were werewolf or bat last life
William Junior, owner of the castle, wears big whiskers
習慣 在吸完血後開始打呼
He's used to snoring after sucking the blood
The steward is a well-mannered swine which can speak French smoothly
He says St.John's gospel as offset before he sucks
Princess Catherine, who has a pair of azure blue eyes
專吃 有AB血型的公老鼠
merely eats the male rats whose blood type is AB
恍恍惚惚 是誰的腳步
Indistinctly whose footsteps are those?
銀製茶壺 裝蟑螂蜘蛛
Cockroaches,spiders fill the silverware
辛辛苦苦 全家怕日出
They take pains to keep off the sunrise
白色蠟燭 溫暖了空屋
White candles warm the hollow castle
你說你說 分數怎麼停留
Tell me, tell me why our team scores no more.
一直在停留 誰讓它停留的
It's at a standstill. Who makes it stuck there?
為什麼 我女朋友場外加油
How can you embarrass me
when my girlfriend cheers on me out of the court?
你說你說 分數怎麼停留
Tell me, tell me why our team scores no more.
一直在停留 誰讓它停留的
It's at a standstill. Who makes it stuck there?
為什麼 我女朋友場外加油
How can you embarrass me
when my girlfriend cheers on me out of the court?