Translation of the song 將軍 artist Jay Chou
時間的箭頭 都指向你鎩羽而歸的地方
The hands of time all pointing to where you wallow in defeat
你會前進 但終究還是得要習慣投降
You can forge ahead, but you’d best get used to surrendering
想當然耳 第六步是你最大的致命傷
Taking your position for granted, that sixth move is your most telling demise
我按兵不動 出於習慣凡事沉默的醞釀
I’m biding my time, accustomed to mulling over everything in silence
當頭炮 純粹出於我禮貌的開揚
Charging cannons purely a result of my raising politeness
屏風馬 神華內斂才能以柔克剛
Screening horses and keeping Shenhua back will gently conquer your strength
第二十六著炮五進四 只是在試探性衡量
The 26th move is just scouting the cannon from 5 to 4
三十三著車二平七的出手 你恐怕就暗箭難防
The skill of the 33rd exchange of chariot from 2 to 7 makes you fear a difficult offense
This bloodless war can only wound pride
The unchangeable rule of winner takes all is no different from reality
The old man holding the birdcage stands to the side to pat my shoulder
I guess he must be thinking the same thing as me
喝 看我 我手指放鬆
Hmph, watch me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
When the enemy’s nothing to my dragon eyes
我戰法無窮 我攻勢如風
My strategy’s infinite, offense like wind
用單車入宮 輾過你懊喪的臉孔
I enter the palace on a chariot, roll over your dejected face
管我 我手指放鬆
Control me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
My dragon eyes empty like an enemy
我左右開弓 我氣勢如虹
I switch hands fast, my momentum’s revolutionary
將炮馬盡用 兵臨城下想逃都沒用
Running away is useless, I attack full-force
我對著潮汐推敲什麼是 以靜制動
I face tides to contemplate what is, motionlessly reacting to motion
Could the details be camouflaged in the fog between the forest and the mountain?
Military movement identical to the orbit of the phasing moon and rotating stars
Isn’t military force the weight of nature?
到最後 必然是我運籌帷幄 你最後放棄抵抗
At the end, I must devise a strategy for your final surrender
I look hopefully at the setting sun, you bow your head dejectedly away
Listen, victory or defeat is a military commander’s constant
You need not take it to heart
It’s just because I’m without equal
喝 看我 我手指放鬆
Hmph, watch me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
When the enemy’s nothing to my dragon eyes
我戰法無窮 我攻勢如風
My strategy’s infinite, offense like wind
用單車入宮 輾過你懊喪的臉孔
I enter the palace on a chariot, roll over your dejected face
管我 我手指放鬆
Control me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
My dragon eyes empty like an enemy
我左右開弓 我氣勢如虹
I switch hands fast, my momentum’s revolutionary
將炮馬盡用 兵臨城下想逃都沒用
Running away is useless, I attack full-force
看我 我手指放鬆
Watch me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
When the enemy’s nothing to my dragon eyes
我戰法無窮 我攻勢如風
My strategy’s infinite, offense like wind
用單車入宮 輾過你懊喪的臉孔
I enter the palace on a chariot, roll over your dejected face
管我 我手指放鬆
Control me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
My dragon eyes empty like an enemy
我左右開弓 我氣勢如虹
I switch hands fast, my momentum’s revolutionary
將炮馬盡用 兵臨城下想逃都沒用
Running away is useless, I attack full-force
看我 我手指放鬆
Watch me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
When the enemy’s nothing to my dragon eyes
我戰法無窮 我攻勢如風
My strategy’s infinite, offense like wind
用單車入宮 輾過你懊喪的臉孔
I enter the palace on a chariot, roll over your dejected face
管我 我手指放鬆
Control me, my fingers are relaxed
我目光如龍 當敵人是空
My dragon eyes empty like an enemy
我左右開弓 我氣勢如虹
I switch hands fast, my momentum’s revolutionary
I attack full-force