Translation of the song Don't Wanna Lie artist B'z


Don't Wanna Lie

English translation

Don't Wanna Lie

人間(ひと)にはそれぞれさまざま ゆずれぬものがあり

Every single person retains possessions they're unwilling to part with

それを守りぬくためなら 戦うのが本能

In order to protect them to the end, fighting for them is our instinct

僕ときたらごまかしつづけ もう何年たつだろう

As for me, I've continued deceiving you for who knows how many years?

Don't wanna lie Don't wanna lie 生きてると 感じていたい

Don't wanna lie, don't wanna lie — I want to feel I'm alive

I wanna try I wanna try この心に ムチ打ってみよう

I wanna try I wanna try — Let's try spurring my heart with an encouraging whip

明日を変えるモーメント それが今かもね

The moment that'll change tomorrow — it might be now

何を犠牲にできるのか 決められもせずに

Without having decided what I would be willing to sacrifice,

どれほどの知恵と勇気が 僕にはあるのか

how much wisdom and bravery have I got in me?

伝えなくてはいけないことを 忘れてはいないよ

The things I have to tell you — I haven't forgotten about them

Don't wanna die Don't wanna die ムチャなこと するわけじゃない

Don't wanna die, don't wanna die — I'm not going to do that which is crazy

I wanna try I wanna try YESと叫ぶ たとえばそんなこと

I wanna try, I wanna try — Such as shouting out YES!

扉を開くモーメント それが今かもね

The moment I open the door — it might be now

ややこしいのは 世の中じゃなくて この頭ん中

It's not the world that's complicated, it's all that remains in my head that is

失うまで 気づかない それこそが 得がたいもの

You don't appreciate them until you lose them, that's what makes things so precious

流れゆく 沈黙の時間(とき) 誰も教えてくれないタイミング

The moment of silence is passing by, with most unknown timing

Don't wanna lie Don't wanna lie 生きてると 感じていたい

Don't wanna lie, don't wanna lie — I want to feel I'm alive

I wanna try I wanna try 君とともに 歩いてゆきたい

I wanna try, I wanna try — I want to walk by your side

人生を決める正念場(モーメント) それが今かもね

The moment to decide my life — it might be now

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