Translation of the song Signal artist B'z



English translation


二人の時間が ようやく増えたら

The two of us finally have more time together

なぜなんだろう 気持ちは少しずれて

But somehow our feelings seem to be misaligned

特別アブない 気配もないけど

There isn't any particular hint of danger

そのかわりめくるめく 絶頂感もないよね

But there isn’t a dazzling sense of climax either

また今日も 君に優しくできなかった

Today too, I wasn't able to be kind to you

なんて後悔しながら 次の朝が来るよ

Another morning arrives while I sit regretting that

一緒にいられることだけ 望んでいたのに

Though I just wished for us to be together


As my wish is fulfilled, my slight shyness disappears

駅前たたずむ 姿が見えるよ

I see you lingering in front of the station

僕を待つ ときめき 今もまだありますか?

Does your heart still flutter while you wait for me?

雨降り 濡れた街角は輝いて

The wet street corners are glittering after the rain

うつむいてる君が ひとりきりだと知った

I see that you're all alone, with your head hung low

僕は駆け足で 今すぐこの道を渡ろう

Let me dash and cross this street right now

黄色いシグナル そのうち赤くなる前に

Before the yellow signal changes and shines red


So that I can keep your smile from clouding over


So that we can always illuminate each other

君がいるだけでよかった それだけでよかった

I'm glad just to be with you, just that is enough

僕らのシグナル いつでも青く灯らせて

Let the signal shine green for the two of us, always

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