Translation of the song いつかまたここで artist B'z



English translation

Someday, I'll be here again.

知らず知らず 遠くまで

Without you, without you, so far away..

来てしまったよ 旅立った日から

I came, from the day I left on my journey.

めぐり逢えた 数知れぬ人々の顔

I met the faces of countless people,


an unforgettable scene.

何ひとつ欠けても 駄目なんだよ

Even if I lack nothing, it's fruitless..

今きみと ともにいる この場所が好き

I love being with you now, in this place

生きてれば 会えるだろう いつかまたここで

If we're alive, maybe we could meet again.. Someday, I'll be here again


Someday, I'll be here again

今日一日を精いっぱい やり遂げるなら

If you go through the whole day with all your might,


I wouldn't have any regrets

今日の自分を 思い出す時

With a remembrance of today's me,

きれいな涙 流せるように

I hope you're able to shed a beautiful tear.

うまくいかなくても やめない

Even if it doesn't go very well, I won't stop..

今きみと ともにいる この場所が好き

I love being with you now, in this place

思いきり 抱きあいたい いつかまたここで

With all my heart, I want to hold you.. Someday, I'll be here again

太陽の下でも 凍える雨でも 強くかたくなった絆

Even under the sun, and even through the freezing rain, we have a strong, hard bond

愛すべきは仲間 たとえ去っていっても(忘れない)

Even if we split ways, we're still companions in love (I won't forget you)

情熱を なくさずに 歩き続けて

Don't lose your passion, keep walking on,

傷ついて つかれ果て 愛を知らされて(たどり着いた)

I was hurt, worn out, but I was able to know love (Finally, I arrived)

今きみと ともにいる この場所が好き

I love being with you now, in this place

生きてれば 会えるだろう いつかまたここで

If we're alive, maybe we could meet again.. Someday, I'll be here again


Someday, I'll be here again.

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