Translation of the song ハズムセカイ artist B'z



English translation

Bounding World

泣いてたでしょ そんな目でしょ それは

You were crying, right? At least that's what your eyes tell me

哀しいのか 悔しいのか 分からないけれど

Although I have no idea whether you are sad or discouraged

ねえ 知らないでしょ 自分のすごい才能を

You don't know, do you? The amazing talent you have

ちょびっとだけでいいから そばに来ておくれ

Just for a little while is fine, please come to my side

ハズムセカイ ハズムココロ

A bounding world, my throbbing heart

キミがいるだけで ボクの世界は変わるよ

You just being here is enough to change my world

ハズムフィーリング ハズムカンバセイション

Our bouncing feelings, our bouncing conversation

そして たまには触れあったりしてもいいでしょ

And front time to time there's nothing wrong with touching each other, right?

何もかも 思い通りにはいかないことは

Everything won't go the way you want it to

痛いほど 分かってるから

I know that so much it hurts, so

何もかも あきらめる前に

Before I give up on everything

大切なもの見極めたいんだ まだここにいて

I want to make sure of what's important to me

ハズムセカイ ハズムココロ

A bounding world, my throbbing heart

キミがいるだけで ボクの世界は変わるよ

You just being here is enough to change my world

ハズムアメ ハズムカミナリ

The bouncing rain, the bounding lightning

何でもかんでも シアワセのリズムに変わるよ

Anything and everything becomes the rhythm of happiness


The things that happen in this floating world

あれこれ いろいろ 受け止めて

This and that, accept it all

泣くも笑うも キミとボク次第

Should we cry, should we laugh, it's all up to us

ハズムセカイ ハズムココロ

A bounding world, my throbbing heart

キミがいるだけで ボクの世界は変わるよ

You just being here is enough to change my world

ハズムカゼ ハズムタイヨウ

The bounding wind, the bounding sun

何でもかんでも 優しく感じてしまうよ

Anything and everything feels so gentle

これがずっと続くなら それはすごいこと

If this should continue forever, well, that's something amazing

このまま 朝が来るまで 一緒にいてよ

Won't you stay with me, like this, until morning comes

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