Translation of the song ピルグリム artist B'z



English translation


幾千の花びらが 風に舞い踊り

Thousands of flower petals dancing in the wind

桃色の蝶のように 道路(みち)を横切ってく

Like pink butterflies, they traverse the roads ahead

いつか見てたもの 戻ってはこない時間(とき)

That was something I've been seeing before, at a time that cannot be reverted to

何げない言葉を ささやいたら

When I whispered nonchalant words...

君は手をのばし この手をにぎりしめた

You extended your hand and held mine tight

めぐりめぐってまた 君と出会った

Oscillating still, I've come across you again


The seasons grab me

前を向いてごらんよ 信じてごらんよ

Try to face forward, try to believe


The future will always be prone to change

憶えていないこと それはもうたくさんある

All those things I'm unable to recall are abundant in number

そんなこと思い 空を眺めてたら くしゃみ

Thinking of them while turning my gaze to the sky, I sneeze

すぎ去って行ったもの それだけが運命

Those things that have gone by and faded away — such was called fate

ほんのささいな 言葉を はきだしたら

When I spewed those idle and trifling words...

君は何も言わず うつむいて 涙こぼした

You said nothing, hung your head low, and made way for tears

めぐりめぐってまた 君が消えた

Oscillating still, you disappeared again


The sceneries surround me

目をこらしてごらんよ やきつけてごらんよ

Try to strain your eyes and focus, try to brand it deeply


Upon where these cascading words are headed

愛といえど 時には ひ弱いもの

Though it is love, it can sometimes be fragile

それを守れるのは やっぱり愛情なのか

That which can protect it is... Love, as expected?

めぐりめぐってまた 君と出会った

Oscillating still, I've come across you again


The seasons envelop around me

思いうかべてごらんよ 素晴らしい日々を

Try to recall those wonderful days


And those things you never want to destroy

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