Translation of the song 命名 artist B'z
ここにいるんだと 知らせるように 泣いて
It's here! is exclaimed while crying to relay the news to me
生まれるのは あっけなく尊い命
What's been born is a precious new life
小さい光 その先に待っているのは
A small light — what awaits you beyond that
未知なるノイズ 自由不自由 手に負えず膨らむ希望
Is unknown noise, freedom, discomfort and uncontrollable, expanding hope
どんな想い 注ぎこみ その命に名をつける?
What type of thoughts am I pouring into this name as I give it this life?
花のように 鳥のように 美しく しなやかに
Just like a flower, just like a bird — beautiful and flexible
その日の空の色を ずっと忘れないで
Don't ever forget the color of the sky as it was that day
いくつも陽が沈み 潮は満ち引いて
The sinking sun will set countless times and the tides will have their change...
思わぬ方角に 転がる命
As this tumbling life rolls on in an unknown direction
Nothing will go as planned
それでも 小さな体 しっかり抱きしめてやれるかい?
But can I hold this tiny body tightly for now?
どんな未来 期待して その命に名をつけた?
What type of future did I expect when I chose this name?
雨のように 雪のように まっすぐに 清らかに
Just like the rain, just like the snow — coming down straight and pure
あの日の風のにおい 憶えていますか
Do you remember the scent of the wind as it was that day?
その声は何よりも あなたのことだけ 求めてる
More than anything, that voice will appeal only to you
どんな想い 注ぎこみ その命に名をつけた?
What type of thoughts did I pour into this name when I gave it this life?
大地のように 海のように 強い心 持てるように
Just like the earth, just like the sea — a heart so strong
負けぬように 愛せるように 誰かを照らせるように
So that you cannot lose, so that you can love, so that you can shine on someone,
世界が変わったあの日を ずっと忘れないで
Never forget the day that your world changed