Translation of the song 環-cycle- artist Itoki Hana
Loop -cycle-
枝に結ぶ 実が熟す前に
We need to prevent the fruit on the branch
falling off before it ripens.
苦しいほどに また咲き乱れる
We need to lead you to
朝へ つなぐよう
another painful blooming morning.
何度繰り返し 繰り返し 生まれても
Even if you are born, over and over again,
いつも 新しい 空を見せてあげよう
let us always show you a new sky.
還る場所が あればどこへでも
If there is a place to return,
you will be able to fly anywhere.
羽ばたくこころ 明日よりも遠く
If you can put your flapping heart
風に のせたら
on the wind farther than tomorrow.
誰もまだ誰も 書いてない物語
Let us draw a story that no one has written yet
白い 真っ白い地図に 描いてゆこう
on a white, brand new map.
何度繰り返し 繰り返し 生まれても
So, even if you are born, over and over again,
ここへ 迷わずに 帰れるはずだから
you should be able to return here without losing a way.