Translation of the song Bosna Moja artist Safet Isović


Bosna Moja

English translation

Bosnia of mine

Neko tiho ulicom pjevuši

Singing on a silent street

tuga mu se osjeća u duši

I feel sadness in mu soul

ista tuga u meni se javlja

The same sadness is repeating in me

to je pjesma iz mog rodnog kraja

This is a song od my town I was born in.



Svuda se Sunce rađa

The sun is shining everywhere

lijepa svaka je zemlja

Every country is beautiful

kao što je Bosna moja

Like Bosnia of mine

na svijetu ljepše nema

There is no better in the world

Ima noći kad mi duša pati

There are the nights when my soul is aching

i kad moram pjesmu zapjevati

And when I must sing a song

bez sevdaha ne živi Bosanac

Without no breathing a Bosnian doesn't live

i kad svijetom luta kao stranac

And when he is wandering on the world like a stranger.



Vrijeme dođe, moram kući poći

It's about the time, I must come home

jer gorak je život u samoći

Because it's bitter life in loneliness

neću da me pritiska tuđina

I don't want a pressure of ...

jer Bosna je majka Bosancima

Cause Bosnia is a mother



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