Translation of the song Rijeko Bosno artist Safet Isović
Rijeko Bosno
River Bosna
Rijeko Bosno hladna plemenita
River of Bosna cold noble
pod Igmanom svoj si izvor skrila
under Igman you hid your source
preko polja i mnogih gradova
over field and many cities
na put se dugi zaputila
on long road you went
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x
Pričaj Bosno kud god budeš tekla
Speak Bosna wherever you flew
o ljepoti šeher Sarajeva
about twilight of Sarajevo
o Ilidži i banjama njenim
about Ilidzi and sanatorium of his
prišaj Bosno svojim valovima
speak Bosna with your waves
Rijeko naša, rijeko znamenita
Our river, river famous
dragi Bog te dade Bosancima
dear God gave you to Bosnians
vjekovima život daješ svima
for ages you give life to all
rijeko Bosno srce u grudima
river of Bosna heart in chest
Ref. 2x
Chorus 2x