Translation of the song じゃじゃ馬娘 artist Taeko Ōnuki



English translation

Unruly Girl

女の子の遊びなんか 嫌いよ

I hate playing like a girl

泥だらけで 走り回る

Run around all covered in mud

私のこと じゃじゃ馬娘と呼んで

You call me an unruly girl


And if you won't keep me company1, fine by me2

うしろから おどかして

When I startle you from behind


I love how angry you get

大好きよ からかって

With all the teasing


And I'll turn to look at you on purpose

私のこと じゃじゃ馬娘と呼んで

You call me an unruly girl


And if you won't keep me company, fine by me

気になろの 年上の

That older guy is always on my mind

イカシてる あいつ

And he is so fine

知られたら 笑われる

If he knew, he would laugh at me

だから打明けない 誰にも

That's why I'll never tell anyone

私のこと じゃじゃ馬娘と呼んで

You call me an unruly girl


And if you won't keep me company, fine by me

私のこと お転婆娘と呼んで

You call me a tomboy


And if you won't keep me company, fine by me

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