Kad osvanu tužne zore
When it was sad dawn
stanu misli moje
flat my thoughts
usne ćute, ne govore
lips cute , do not tell
mislim gotovo je
I think it's over
Nije, nije gotovo
No, it's not over
ljubiću te ponovo
I'll kiss you again
suzo bola stani, stani
suzo pain stop, stop
dolaze nam bolji dani
come to us for better days
I najveća ljubav prođe
And the greatest love is gone
pati srce moje
My heart suffers
osmeh neće da mi dođe
the smile will not come to me
mislim gotovo je
I think it's over
Kad se setim srećnih dana
When I recall the happy days
i ljubavi tvoje
and your love
hoće srce da mi stane
heart wants to fit me
mislim gotovo je
I think it's over