Translation of the song Kdyby artist Barbora Poláková



English translation


Kdyby lidi byli mapy,

If people were maps,

uměli by v sobě číst.

they could read inside them.

Kdyby oči měly čísla,

If eyes had numbers,

nemoh' by ses ve mně splíst.

you couldn't get misunderstanded in me.

Kdyby věty měly křídla,

If sentences had wings,

vznesly by se kavárny.

the cafés would fly up.

Kdyby skála měla ruce,

If the rock would have hands,

vzala by si pláštěnku.

it would take a raincoat.

Kdyby bylo míň tabletů,

If there were less of tablets,

běhaly by děti po venku.

children would run outside.

Kdyby každý měl svůj bazén,

If everyone had their swimming pool,

zmizely by plovárny.

aquaparks would disappear.

Kdyby láska byla stálá,

If the love was permanent,

kdyby byla láska stálá,

if the love was permanent,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by voděnka...

water would stand...

Kdyby kilometry byly metry,

If kilometers were meters,

uběhla bych maraton.

I would run a marathon.

Kdyby vesmír byla píseň,

If the space was a song,

neznala bych ani tón.

I wouldn't know a single tone.

Kdyby čas nehojil rány,

If the time wouldn't heal wounds,

ještě bychom brečeli.

we would still cry.

Kdyby sliny byly slzy,

If spits were tears,

nebyla by v slánkách sůl.

there would be no salt in salt cellars.

Kdybych stihla tramvaj v celou,

If I would catch the tramway at o'clock,

nemusela bych jet v půl.

I wouldn't have to go at half a clock.

Kdyby bylo míň signálů,

If there would be less signals,

neměla bych strach o včely.

I wouldn't be worried about bees.

Kdyby láska byla stálá,

If the love was permanent,

kdyby byla láska stálá,

if the love was permanent,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by voděnka...

water would stand...

Kdyby střela byla dotek,

If the shoot was a touch,

neztráceli bychom sluch.

we wouldn't lose hearing.

Kdybys mi dal někdy vybrat,

If you would give me a choice sometimes,

nebyl by tak těžký vzduch.

the air wouldn't be so thick.

Kdyby vlasům rostly vlasy,

If hair would grow on hair,

pochopil bys nekonečno.

you would understand to infinity.

Kdyby země byla ze mě,

If the Earth was made from me,

rostla by ze mě petržel.

parsley would grow out of me.

Kdybych všemu rozuměla,

If I would understand everything,

kdo by se mnou vydržel.

who would stay with me?

Kdyby krávy byly mraky,

If cows were clouds,

bylo by tu polomléčno.

the weather would be half-milky[1].

Kdyby láska byla stálá,

If the love was permanent,

kdyby byla láska stálá,

if the love was permanent,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by i voděnka mezi břehama,

even the water would stand between the shores,

stála by voděnka... mezi břehama.

water would stand... between the shores.

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