Má hebké ruce, dva syny
She has soft hands, two sons
a vlasy se jí po koupání někdy zvlní.
and her hair often curls after showering
Má ostré smítko v pravém oku,
She has a sharp speck in her right eye
dívá se ven.
she's looking outside
Běží za ní jejích patnáct roků,
Her fifteen years is running towards her
běží za ní jejich patnáct roků,
Her fifteen years is running towards her
běží za ní...
Running towards her..
A sedí sama, a bledá,
And she's sitting alone, pale
v tramvaji, kde sedí i pán se psem.
in a tram where there's also a man with a dog
Všechno je nové, cestou jinou,
Everything is new, different way
dívá se ven.
she's looking outside
Je od rána jeho bývalou ženou,
She's been his ex-wife since the morning
od rána jeho bývalou ženou,
His ex-wife since the morning
od rána je..
Since the morning..
Už ví, že umí plakat i ze sna.
Chorus: Now she knows she can cry from her dreams
A že jsou plachá slova nečestná.
And that shy words are dishonest
Chtěla by být ptáček a daleko uletět,
She'd want to be a bird and fly far away
chtěla by být se sebou a jen tak vidět svět...
She'd want to be with herself and just see the world
Má hebké ruce, dva syny
She has soft hands, two sons
a vlasy se jí po koupání někdy zvlní.
and her hair often curls after showering
Má ostré smítko v pravém oku,
She has a sharp speck in her right eye
dívá se ven.
she's looking outside
Běží za ní jejích patnáct roků,
Her fifteen years is running towards her
běží za ní jeho patnáct roků,
Her fifteen years is running towards her
běží za ní...
Running towards her..
Už ví, že umí plakat i ze sna.
Chorus: Now she knows she can cry from her dreams
A že jsou plachá slova nečestná.
And that shy words are dishonest
Chtěla by být ptáček a daleko uletět,
She'd want to be a bird and fly far away
chtěla by být se sebou a jen tak vidět svět...
She'd want to be with herself and just see the world