Translation of the song Legjendari artist DJ Gimi-O x Aurora P.



English translation

The Legendary

Mora fjalë

I took my words

Mora fjalë e mora vargun

I took my words and took my verse

Mora qarkun me i thur kang

I took to the circuit (path) to sing a song

Me i thur kang bash legjendarit

To sing a song to the legendary

T'i kendoj

To sing (to him)

T'i kendoj Adem Jasharit t'i kendoj

To sing to Adam Jashari, to sing (to him)

Tash sa vjet

How many years

Tash sa vjet se sheh Prekazin dhe Reqakun

How many years since you've seen Prekaz and Recak (1)

Tash sa vjet

How many years

Tash sa vjet se sheh Drenicen

How many years since you've seen Drenica (2)

Tash sa vjet

How many years

Tash sa vjet dhe Mitrovicen

How many years and Mitrovica (3)

Tash sa vjet

How many years

Qou Adem

Get up Adam

Qou po t'thoin zoqt e malit dhe bilbilat

Get up say the mountain birds and nightingales

Qou Adem

Get up Adam

Po thojn lulet trandafilat

Say the flowers and roses

Qou Adem

Get up Adam

Po thon kangat thon dhe trimat

Say the songs and the warriors

Qou Adem

Get up

Qou shpejt

Get up quickly

Qou shpejt mos rri te varri thot nenelokja

Get up quickly and don't stay at the grave says the mother

Qou se mjaft

Get up, that's enough

ta flladiti ballin toka Qou se ty

The earth has covered your forehead

Te kerkon e tan Kosova

Get up because for you

Ty Adem

Kosovo is yearning

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