Det' ikke farven, der har ændret sig
It's not the colour which has changed
Det' alt det lys, du altid gemmer
It's all the light you're always hiding
Du har parkeret din stilhed her hos mig
You've parked your silence here with me
Men jeg ka' ikke se, hvor vejen ender
But I can't see where the road ends
Det' svært at være formålsløs
It's tough being purposeless
Når man altid har bagagen med sig
When you always carry your baggage around
Men du har vandret her i tusind år
But you've wandered here for a thousand years
Ka' du ikke bar' komme tilbage til mig
Can't you just come back to me?
Ka' du høre, du ska' være her?
Do you hear that you're supposed to be here?
Ka' du høre, at jeg ikke ka' vær' alene mer'?
Do you hear that I can't be alone anymore?
Tog toget, lod det bare ske
Took the train, I just let it happen
Hva' vil du finde?
What do you hope to find?
Mit ansigt er svært at se
My face is hard to see
Når det hele går hurtigt forbi
When everything is passing by so quickly
Sejler du stadig på bølgepap?
Do you still sail on corrugated cardboard?1
Bor på luftløse kasteller?
Living in castles without air?
Eller har du fundet varmen på
Or did you get warm at
En af dine mange hoteller?
One of your countless hotels?
Ka' du høre, du ska' være her?
Do you hear that you're supposed to be here?
Ka' du høre, at jeg ikke ka' vær' alene mer'?
Do you hear that I can't be alone anymore?
På hver stationen helt uden at kende nogen
At every station, entirely without knowing anyone
Hvorfor kommer du ikke hjem?
Why don't you come home?
For jeg kan se, at det ikke er dig
'Cause I can see that it's not you
Men mig, der bli'r blind
But me who's getting blind
Ka' du høre, du ska' være her?
Do you hear that you're supposed to be here?
Ka' du høre, at jeg ikke ka' vær' alene mer'?
Do you hear that I can't be alone anymore?