Translation of the song Era d'estate artist Sergio Endrigo
Era d'estate
It was summertime
Era d'estate e tu eri con me
It was summertime and you were with me
Era d'estate poco tempo fa
It was summertime a little while ago
Ora per ora noi vivevamo
Hour by hour we lived
Giorni e notti felici senza domani
Days and nights happy without a tomorrow
Era d'autunno e tu eri con me
It was Autumn and you were with me
Era d'autunno poco tempo fa
It was Autumn a little while ago
Ora per ora senza un sorriso
Hour by hour without a smile
Si spegneva l'estate negli occhi tuoi
The summer ended in your eyes
Io ti guardavo e sognavo una vita
I watched you and dreamed up a life
Tutta con te
All with you
Ma i sogni belli
But those beautiful dreams
Non si avverano mai
Will never come true
Era d'estate e tu eri con me
It was summertime and you were with me
Era d'estate tanto tempo fa
It was summertime so long ago
E sul tuo viso lacrime chiare
E upon your face were clear tears
Mi dicevano solo addio
Which told me only farewell
Mi dicevano addio, soltanto addio
They told me farewell, simply farewell