Luda kao ja, tebi treba neka
Crazy like me, you need someone
luda kao ja da ti se da
Crazy like me, to give herself to you
pa da traje možda dan
So that it will last a day
možda dan, možda dva
Maybe a day, maybe two
ali vidim da sam tebi suvišna
But I see that I'm enough for you
imaš ti sve da na mene misliš
You have everything to think of me
ne, nema potrebe
No, it's not necessary
Znam, nisi sam
I know, you're not alone
i ne bih da ti smetam ove noći
And I would not want to bother you tonight
s njom si, zar ne
You're with her, aren't you
a ja ću svojim putem poći
But I'll go my own way
I ona će ko ja, i ona će ko ja
And she will like me, and she will like me
da poludi pre vremena
Go crazy before it's time
još ne zna, ona još ne zna
Still doesn't know, she still doesn't know
da je ljubav s tobom kazna
That love with you is a punishment
Neko kao ti
Someone like you
mene više nikad neće imati
You won't have me anymore
ugrabiš plen a onda kažeš
You snatch your prey and then you say
da si sam, da si sam, da si njen
That you're alone, that you're alone, that you hers
Zašto sam ja posle tebe
Why am I after you
i na ljubav imuna
Immune to love
a ti imaš sve da na mene misliš
And you have everything to think of me
ne, nema potrebe
No, it's not necessary