Mnogo sam te poželela
I miss you very much,
od želje se razbolela
Got ill from the wish
tri noći sam tugovala
I mourned for three nights
tri zore sam dočekala
I waited for three dawns.
Da mi dođeš
So that you come to me
da te vidim
So that I see you
srce da mi smiriš
My heart to calm.
Mnogo sam te poželela
I miss you very much
dušu bih ti svoju dala
I would give you my soul
danima sam tugovala
I have mourned for days
noćima te dozivala
I called you for nights.
Mnogo sam te poželela
I miss you very much
mnogo sam ti reći htela
I wanted to tell you so much
sve bih mogla, sve bih smela
I could do everything, I would dare anything
al' ne vredi, tebe nema
But it is useless, you are not here.