Ne mogu dalje ni tren
I can't go futher, not even for an instant
srce u grudima da pukne bi htelo
My heart want's to break in my chest
bio si previše njen
You were hers too much
sad se privijaš uz moje telo
Now you're wrapped around my body
Od naših godina samo je ostala pusta želja
What's left of our years (together) is a vain desire
kako da kažem ti nema tu ljubavi
How should I tell you, there's no love here
želim prijatelja
I want a friend
Na kraju, mi smo na kraju priče
At the end, we're at the end of the story
znale su našu tajnu i ptice
The birds also knew our secret
u raju, srešćemo se ponovo
We'll meet again in heaven
ali sada s nama je gotovo
But now it's over between us
Dobro me poznaješ ti
You know me very well
i ne veruješ da rastanak želim
And you don't believe that I want a separation
tužan je osećaj taj
That's a sad feeling
kao sa strancem da postelju delim
Like I'm sharing the bed with a stranger
Od naših godina samo je ostala pusta želja
What's left of our years (together) is a vain desire
kako da kažem ti nema tu ljubavi
How should I tell you, there's no love here
želim prijatelja
I want a friend