Translation of the song موال [Mijana] artist Najwa Karam


موال [Mijana]

English translation


حاجة تقول ارجعي ت ترجع الأحلام

There is no need to say “come back so the dream would come back as well”

ماظل عندك حلم يستاهل رجوعي

You no longer have a dream that deserves my coming back

و غليت دمع الندم ت صير اقدر انام

And I held back the tear of remorse so I can be able to sleep

انت الوحيد اللي كنت اغلى من دموعي

for you were the only one who was more precious to e than my tears

إن كانو لصدقي، معك اترك الأيام

(The tears) If they were my honesty with you, then I leave those days behind with you

ت دفي صعيق الوعد ع جمرات ولوعي

So I can heat up the coldness of the promises upon the heat of my passion

إن كانة ت اركع ع بابك ركعت استرحام

If they were in order for me to kneel down in front of your door, a kneeling of plea

تأكد فراق العمر أهون من ركوعي

Be sure that separation in life is better than my kneeling x2

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