Translation of the song Băiatul meu frumos artist Irina Rimes
Băiatul meu frumos
My beautiful boy
[Strofa 1]
[Verse 1]
„Fetița mea”
My little girl
Și poate nu suna nici special, și nici original
And maybe it doesn't sound like anything special, nor original
Dar era atât de rar, și pentru mine suna
But it was so rare, and it sounded this way to me
„Fetița mea”
My little girl
Când îmi spunea zburam la cer
When he said this to me, I flew up to the sky
Momentul de delir știam că ține puțin
I knew the momentum of delirium would cling for a bit
Și încercam să trag de timp
And I tried to buy time
„Fetița mea”
My little girl
El îmi spunea într-un fel
He said to me in a way
Că nu vorbea cu mine, el vorbea cu el
Because he wasn't speaking to me, he was speaking to himself
„Fetița mea”
My little girl
Așa de simplu și banal
So simple and ordinary
El n-o gândea deloc, el simplu o spunea
He didn't think about it at all, he just said it
Băiatul meu frumos, băiatul meu urât
My beautiful boy, my ugly boy
Eu îl iubeam până la cer, eu îl iubeam pân' la pământ
I loved him to the sky, I loved him to the ground
Băiatul meu cel bun, băiatul meu cel rău
My good boy, my bad boy
Era băiatul meu, era băiatul meu frumos
He was my boy, he was my beautiful boy
[Strofa 2]
[Verse 2]
El nu-mi spunea mai deloc „Te iubesc”
He never said to me I love you
Te iubesc-ul lui era subînțeles
His I love you was implied
Te iubesc-ul lui rar, dar îl simțeam așa de tare în muzica sa
His rare I love you, but I felt it so strongly in his music
El nu mă suna decât dacă era treabă
He didn't call me except when he had business
Eu nu îl sunam decât dacă era grabă
I didn't call him unless he was in a hurry
El nu venea la mine cu flori
He didn't come to me with flowers
El era trist și singur de sărbători
He was sad and alone on the holidays
Al tuturor și-al nimănui, el niciodată-al meu
Everyone else's and nobody's, he was never mine
Iar eu mereu a lui, iar eu mereu a lui
And I was always his, and I was always his
Băiatul meu frumos, băiatul meu urât
My beautiful boy, my ugly boy
Eu îl iubeam până la cer, eu îl iubeam până-n pământ
I loved him to the sky, I loved him to the ground
Băiatul meu cel bun, băiatul meu cel rău
My good boy, my bad boy
Era băiatul meu, băiatul meu frumos, frumos
He was my boy, he was my beautiful boy
Băiatul meu cel bun, băiatul meu cel rău
My good boy, my bad boy
Era băiatul meu, era băiatul meu
He was my boy, he was my boy
Ploaia îmi aduce aminte de el
The rain reminds me of him
Lui îi place ploaia, mie nu-mi plăcea de fel
He likes the rain, I didn't like it the same way
Ploaia bate-n geamul meu, bate-n geamul lui
The rain beats at my window, it beats at his window
Și acum îmi place mult pentru că îi place lui
And now I like it a lot because he likes it
Băiatul meu frumos, băiatul meu urât
My beautiful boy, my ugly boy
Eu îl iubeam până la cer, eu îl iubeam pân' la pământ
I loved him to the sky, I loved him to the ground
Băiatul meu cel bun, băiatul meu cel rău
My good boy, my bad boy
Era băiatul meu, era băiatul meu
He was my boy, he was my boy
Băiatul meu frumos, băiatul meu urât
My beautiful boy, my ugly boy
Eu îl iubeam până la cer, eu îl iubeam până-n pământ
I loved him to the sky, I loved him to the ground
Băiatul meu cel bun, băiatul meu cel rău
My good boy, my bad boy
Era băiatul meu, era băiatul meu
He was my boy, he was my boy