Translation of the song Eroii pieselor noastre artist Irina Rimes


Eroii pieselor noastre

English translation

The heroes of our songs

Cat de putine cuvinte intre noi

So few words between us

Si cat de multe lacrimi

And so many tears

Cred c-am putea sa le transformam in ploi

I think that we could transform them into rain

Cuvintele nu ne-ajuta

The words don’t help us

Tocmai de aceea le tinem in noi

Which is why we hold them in us

Ne-a despartit rutina

Routine broke us up

Ne-a despartit cat inca eram in doi

It broke us up while we were still together

Cuvintele sunt grele

The words are hard

E mai frumos sa le punem pe foi

It’s better to put them onto paper

Noi am ramas doar poezie

We remained just with poetry

Iar peste un timp o sa fim eroi

And after a time, we will become heroes

Cuvintele sunt grele

The words are hard

E mai frumos sa le punem pe foi

It’s better to put them onto paper

Pe foi

Onto paper

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Am scris prea multe sa ne-auda toti

I wrote too many for everyone to hear us

Dar nu le-am spus niciodata

But we have never told them

Noi am tacut si ne-am prefacut morti

We shut up and we pretended to be dead

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Vom ridica statuie din granit

We will build statues from granite

Sa fie rece ca noaptea

To be as cold as the night

Cum a fost atunci cand ne-am despartit

Like it was when we broke up

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Azi simt durerea azi te simt asa

Today I feel the pain, today I feel you this way

Azi simt ca pierd din mine o parte

Today I feel that I lose a part of me

Care nici n-a fost a mea

That wasn't even mine

Azi simt ca cerul plange ca si mine

Today I feel that the sky cries just like me

El ma-ntelege dar nu m-ajuta deloc

It understands me but it doesn’t help me at all

Nimic nu poate sa m-ajute

Nothing can help me

Sa te repar sa te lipesc la loc

To repair you, to stick you back

Cuvintele sunt grele

The words are hard

E mai frumos sa le punem pe foi

It’s better to put them onto paper

Noi am ramas doar poezie

We remained just with poetry

Iar peste un timp o sa fim eroi

And after a time, we will become heroes

Cuvintele sunt grele

The words are hard

E mai frumos sa le punem pe foi

It’s better to put them onto paper

Pe foi

Onto paper

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Am scris prea multe sa ne-auda toti

I wrote too many for everyone to hear us

Dar nu le-am spus niciodata

But we have never told them

Noi am tacut si ne-am prefacut morti

We shut up and we pretended to be dead

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Vom ridica statuie din granit

We will build statues from granite

Sa fie rece ca noaptea

To be as cold as the night

Cum a fost atunci cand ne-am despartit

Like it was when we broke up

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Aceasta-i inca o piesa

This is just another song

Despre lucruri care nu se spun

About things which aren’t said

Pentru ca ele nu intorc nimic

Because they never return anything

Nimic nu se-ntoarce la locul lui

Nothing returns to its place

Stii cuvintele sunt grele

You know, the words are hard

E mai frumos sa le punem pe foi

It’s better to put them onto paper

Pe foi

Onto paper

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Am scris prea multe sa ne-auda toti

I wrote too many for everyone to hear us

Dar nu le-am spus niciodata

But we have never told them

Noi am tacut si ne-am prefacut morti

We shut up and we pretended to be dead

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Vom ridica statuie din granit

We will build statues from granite

Sa fie rece ca noaptea

To be as cold as the night

Cum a fost atunci cand ne-am despartit

Like it was when we broke up

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

Eroii pieselor noastre

The heroes of our songs

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