Translation of the song In Locul Meu artist Irina Rimes


In Locul Meu

English translation

In my place

E-atat de ciudat

It's so weird

Cum te poate lovi

How it can hit you

Cand crezi ca ai uitat

When you think that you've forgotten

Se -ntoarce

It returns

O vad pe Insta

I see it on Insta

Ma uit zi de zi

I look everyday

Si ma doare

And it hurts me

Ma stoarce

It drains me

De ultimul strop de nadejde

By the last drop of hope

Tu nu te vei intoarce vreodata la mine

You won't ever return to me

Si cumva mi-as dori sa ma-nsel

And somehow, I'd like to fool myself

Dar mai bine ramai unde ti-e cel mai bine

But it's even better for you to remain where it's best for you

Mai bine te uit

It's better to look at you

Stiam de cand te-am intalnit

I knew since I met you

Prapastia asta e fara fund

This precipice is bottomless

Dar am sarit

But I jumped

Ea poarta hainele

She wears the clothes

Pe care le eu lle purtam candva

That I wore sometime

Saruta degetele

She kisses the fingers

Pe care si eu le sarutam

That I kissed

Ea, te iubeste frumos

She loves you wonderfully

Tu cosmosul meu

You, my Cosmos

Sper c-ai gasit ce-ti doreai

I hope that you found what you wanted

Ceva mai bun in locul meu

Something even better in my place

Eu nu te mai vreau

I don't want you anymore

Eu nu te mai simt

I don't feel you anymore

Eu nu te mai cant

I don't sing you anymore

Si hainele tale,

And your clothes,

Eu nu le mai imbrac,

I don't wear them anymore

Dar inca le tin

But I still hold onto them

Eu nu imi doresc sa te-ntorc, eu nu imi doresc sa fac iar ce nu pot

I don't want to bring you back, I don't want to do again what I can't

Eu nu pot sa te tin

I can't hold onto you

Tu esti foc , esti furtuna, si drog si venin

You are fire, you're a storm, and a drug, and poison

Eu nu pot sa te am, esti prea tare, prea mult

I can't have you, you're too strong, too much

Eu stiam din start c-o sa doara si chiar a duru

I knew from the start that it would hurt, and it really hurt

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