Achégate a mim, Maruxa
English translation
Come to me, Maruxa
Achégate a mim, maruxa
Come to me, Maruxa
Chégate bem, moreniña
Come close, little brunette
Quérome casar contigo
I want to marry you
Serás miña mulleriña
You'll be my little wife
Adeus, estrela brilante
Good bye, bright star
Compañeiriña da lúa
Little companion of the moon
Moitas caras teño visto
I have seen a lot of faces
Mais como a tua ningunha
But none like yours
Adeus lubeiriña triste
Good bye sad lubeiriña1
De espaldas te vou mirando
Looking back I watch you
Non sei que me queda dentro
I don't know what's left inside me
Que me despido chorando
That I say good bye while crying