Translation of the song Antiga palavra artist Dulce Pontes
Antiga palavra
Ancient Word
No amor que eu sinto
In the love that I feel
Nos braços e nas mãos
In both my arms and hands
E no sorriso distante
And in the distant smiles
Dos rapazes do porto,
Of the young men from the haven,
Há a saudade do avô
There's the sorrowful longing of my grandfather
E do seu sinal da cruz...
And his sign of the cross...
Ó avô!
Oh, grandfather!
O meu mestre pescador
My teacher fisherman
Que amansava as tempestades, o avô...
Who calmed the storms, my grandfather...
Assim, o avô, foi-se pró mar, tão longe...
Thus, my grandpa, went into the sea, so far away...
Uma antiga palavra
An ancient word
Murmurava a sua voz
His voice used to murmur
E, na água encrespada,
And, over the raging waters,
Em pé em cima da proa,
Standing on the ship's bow,
Com a mágica faca,
With a magic knife,
Fazia o sinal da cruz...
He would make the sign of the cross...
Ó avô!
Oh, grandfather!
O meu mestre pescador
My teacher fisherman
Que amansava as tempestades, o avô...
Who calmed the storms, my grandfather...
Assim, o avô, foi-se pró mar, tão longe...
Thus, my grandpa, went into the sea, so far away...