Translation of the song Havana artist Dulce Pontes

Greek, Spanish


English translation


Χρώματα, φώτα ανάβουνε·

Colours, the lights are on;

Ανέβουνε στα κόκκινα και σβήνουν

They turn to red and burn out

Κι εγώ, μονάχος έμεινα

And I was left all alone

Στην άκρη αυτού του πλήθους...

On the fringes of that crowd...

Χρώματα, αγάπες παίζουνε·

Colours, loves play around;

Χορεύουνε και πίνουν...

They dance and drink...

Πρωί κουστούμια βάζουνε,

In the morning, they put their suits on,

Κραυγές το βράδυ βγάζουνε,

In the evening they issue screams,

Ζητάνε μα δε δίνουν!

They ask for things but don't give (anything)!

Κι εσύ να μένεις εκεί! Κι εσύ να πέφτεις εκεί!

And you remain over there! And you fall right there!

Κι εσύ για πάντα να κλαις, να γελάς,

And you're always crying, laughing,

Δίχως λόγο και αιτία.

Without a reason nor a cause.

Κι εσύ να μένεις εκεί! Κι εσύ που ανήκεις εκεί!

And you remain over there! And you belong right there!

Και η αγάπη μου πάντα πιο λίγη, να μοιάζει

And my love always appears to be less

Του κόσμου αμαρτία...

Of a sin from this world...

Κι εγώ μαζί σου, εκεί! Κι εγώ μαζί σου, εκεί!

And I'm with you, right there! And I'm with you, over there!

Κι εγώ μαζί σου, εκεί...

And I'm with you, in there...

Mis illusiones, pocas...

My hopes and dreams, very few...

¡Régalame un cigaro!

Give me a cigarette!

¿Quién podrá ver nuestra verdad?

Who will be able to see our truth?

Sólo el que esconde una herida profunda

Only he who hides a deep wound

podrá encontrar su lugar.

Shall be able to find its place.

¡Y tú te quedas allí! ¡Y tú te caes allí!

And you remain over there! And you fall right there!

Y tú siempre llorando, riendo,

And you're always crying, laughing,

sin razón y sin causa.

Without a reason nor a cause.

¡Y tú te quedas allí! Tú perteneces allí

And you remain over there! And you belong right there

y mi querer, siempre a menos,

And my love, always decreasing,

parece el delito de todo el mundo...

Appears to be everyone's crime...

¡Y yo contigo ahí! ¡Y yo contigo allí!

And I'm with you, right there! And I'm with you, over there!

Y yo, contigo ahí...

And I'm with you, in there...

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