Translation of the song Hora de fechar artist Dulce Pontes


Hora de fechar

English translation

Closing Time

A máquina dos discos

The jukebox

Engasgou-se, emudeceu...

Has sputtered off, then it has fallen silent...

A velha ventoínha desistiu por fim;

That old fan has finally given up;

O tampo do balcão

The counter top

Bebeu demais e adormeceu...

Has drank too much and it has fallen asleep...

A mobília resiste assim, assim...

The furniture is holding up somewhat...

O palco sujo boceja,

The dirty stage yawns,

O escarrador demitiu-se

The spittoon has resigned

Do seu cargo infeliz;

From its thankless job;

O strip-tease

The strip-tease

Acabou há hora e meia,

Finished half an hour ago,

Mas ainda há um tanso a pedir bis!

But a yokel is still asking for an encore!

Un marinheiro bêbado

A drunk sailor

Ressona em dó menor,

Snores in C Minor,

Cansado de dançar

Tired of dancing

Um tango arrasador.

A killer tango.

A tatuagem, dedicada à mãe

His tattoo, made in his mother's honour

Com muito amor,

With lots of love,

Não se percebe bem:

Cannot be properly seen:

Perdeu a cor!

It has lost its colours!

E a loira platinada,

And the platinum blonde

Ainda espera agastada

Is still waiting, annoyed,

Que ele se decida.

For him to make up his mind.

Deita-lhe o olho à carteira:

Her glance falls on his wallet:

Há mais do que uma maneira

There's more than just one way

De fazer, pela vida!

To make money, in this life!

O gerente desperta

The manager awakens

Do seu plácido topor

From his pleasant half-sleep

Sem vencer, por completo,

Without having completely defeated

A névoa cerebral.

His mental fuzziness.

Avança en zigue-zague, mira as mesas em redor

He moves zigzagging, checking around the tables

E faz a despedida habitual...

And says his usual goodbyes...

Ó malta! Toca a andar:

Hey, scum! You gotta bounce:

Ponham-se a cavar,

You better get going,

Que já passa da hora de fechar!

For it's past closing time!

Que já passa da hora de fechar...!

For it's past closing time...!

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