Translation of the song O Infante artist Dulce Pontes


O Infante

English translation

The infant

Deus quer, o homem sonha, a obra nasce

God wants, men dream, the work in born

Deus quis que a Terra fosse toda uma

God wanted the Earth to be one

Que o mar unisse, já não separasse

And the sea would join it, not separate

Sagrou-te e foste desvendando a espuma

Devoted to you, and you were uncovering the foam

E a orla branca foi

And the white border went

De ilha em continente

From the island to the mainland

Clareou correndo até ao fim do mundo

Cleared out, running until the end of the world

E viu-se a terra inteira, de repente

And you were able to see the whole earth, suddenly

Surgir redonda do azul profundo

Appear rounded in the deep blue

Quem te sagrou, criou-te português

Who devoted to you, made you portuguese

Do mar e nós em ti nos deu sinal

From the sea, and in you he gave us the sign

Cumpriu-se o mar e o império se desfez

The sea was made, and the empire fell apart

Senhor, falta cumprir-se Portugal

Lord, Portugal is still missing

E a orla branca foi

And the white border went

De ilha em continente

From the island to the mainland

Clareou correndo até ao fim do mundo

Cleared out, running until the end of the world

E viu-se a terra inteira, de repente

And you were able to see the whole earth, suddenly

Surgir redonda do azul profundo

Appear rounded in the deep blue

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