Kažu da još patiš zbog mene
They say, you still suffer because of me
Kažu da vinom truješ vene
They say, you poison your veins with wine
Kažu da nigde nemaš mira
They say, you can't find peace anywhere
Da te moja sreća ubija
That my happiness kills you
Do juče još bila sam tvoja
Until yesterday I was still your
Treća, peta il' ko zna koja
Third, fifth or who knows which
Tad si mi usne trovao bolom
Then you poisoned my lips with pain
Zato sad idi sa bilo kojom
So now go with whoever
Pun je grad života
The city is full of life
Devojke lepe možeš da biraš
Of pretty girls, you can choose from
Naša je priča odavno pukla
Our story finished long ago
U rane stare nemoj da diraš
Don't bother old wounds
Pun je grad života
The city is full of life
Pruži mi ruku k'o prijatelju
Say hello to me merely like a friend
Da ti se vratim neću nikad
I'll never return to you
U sebi ubiću želju
I'll kill the desire in me
Život je škola bola
Life is a school of pain
Kažu da senku još mi pratiš
They say, you still follow my shadow
Kažu da želiš da me vratiš
They say, you still want to return to me
Kažu da sama ti suza krene
They say, you start crying just like that
Da u svakoj tražiš mene
That you look for me in everyone
Do juče još bila sam tvoja
Until yesterday I was still yours
Treća, peta il' ko zna koja
Third, fifth or who knows which
Tad si mi usne trovao bolom
Then you poisoned my lips with pain
Zato sad idi sa bilo kojom
So now go with whoever